Mopey Monday Roll Call

on 8/28/11 9:43 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Hi all - I am continually feeling like poop!  I will be calling the doctor at 8:30 on the nose and heading right over there - the pains in my head are truly unbearable.  My throat is raw, my glads are so swollen you can see them just by looking at me and my ears are completely clogged.  Not sure if it IS an ear infection or due to the glands being that swollen.  I have so much to do in the next three days before school starts on Thursday.  I really don't have time to be this sick.  A little cold is one thing, THIS is something completely different.  I have had a minor fever of 99-99.6 over the last few days, but that is no big deal.  It is the pain that I can not handle.  I have had so many sugar free cough drops to try to help numbthe throat - that I started to have some belly issues because of the ingredients in them.  UGH!  I hate being sick.  And Poor Larry can't figure ou if it is just because I feel like crap that I can't do anything or is it because of the bipolar - I tried to reinforce that it was truly the cold, or whatever it is.

Here is my day if there is a miracle pain releiver in my near future:  Doctor, funeral for a dear friends' 100 year old grandmother, home to rest, then Molly has a Therapist appointment this afternoon.  Larry is back to work tonight for 7 straight and I was hoping to take the kids to my friends house to sit shiva with them.  However, if I can't, I wont.  UGH!

Yesterday - fb hubby and family came over to help Larry and Josh clean out the basement.  I did call the insurance company.  They said that if it is not covered through my insurance - they will send it through FEMA.  Larry and fb hubby are both convinced that when the adjuster comes over and sees the mold, they may tell us to get out.  GREAT!  eye roll.  Can NOT wait for that.  

(And yes, I STILL think Mother Nature rocks!)  Just saying!

Hope your Monday is calm and NOT like mine!
on 8/28/11 9:51 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good Morning PA!

Steffi--Aww I am so sorry you feel so sick!!! I hope you get some meds from the Dr and feel better soon!!! (((HUGS)))

As for me not too much on the agenda today...we didn't sustain any damage here at home...the Manatawny Creek overflowed and flooded the park but that was about it, some trees and tree branches fell but overall Pottstown was ok.  So since the porch is clear of all the furniture etc, I will prob just go hose it down today and sweep off all the little leaves etc...

Then I have to head over to Quest for some of the last pregnancy labs...this is a quick one to see if I am in and out is my game plan there!

Other than that just going to try to relax..had a bit of a scare over the weekend--thought I was in labor..really it was just some intense Braxton-Hicks hubby wants me to relax and not do so much running around, cleaning, etc..but I really can't help it I am in full blown nesting mode now!!

Anyways hope everyone enjoys this absolutely GORGEOUS day!!!!

Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 8/28/11 9:56 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning Steffi - sorry to hear you're feeling so lousy - yes, get to the doctor - you probably need an antibiotic to kick whatever is kicking you right now. Sorry to hear about your flooding issues, too - but thankfully our area didn't get hit too hard. Hope you're feeling better soon.

I'm at work - lots of branches and debris along the roadway this morning - just got through an area of 322 before they shut it down because a huge tree was laying on top of power lines and you could see it smoking and sizzling - not good!

Yesterday I did some light cleaning - some more laundry because I had soaked clothes from walking the dog in the morning. Didn't put my chairs and things back outside because it was still pretty windy wall day. Last night I sat and picked almost 1/2 bushel of crabs for crab cakes or crab soup - not sure what I'll make.

We did cancel the benefit for my brother Saturday night - it was just senseless to ask people to travel on a night like that, so we have it rescheduled for Sept 30 at the clubhouse where I live. One of my nephew's friends is offering his DJ services for free, and another friend is going to cater it for us at cost. I think that'll work out great. So now that is in the planning stages. I felt so bad for my niece because she had put so much work into it, but you can't find Mother Nature.

Tomorrow I'm off - mammo and dexa scan in the morning for me - taking hubby to the ortho in the afternoon for Synvisc shots for his knees.

Hope everyone is okay after th big storm...take care...Kathy

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Patricia R.
on 8/28/11 10:06 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Steffi,
I hope you get to the bottom of your health issue, because it sucks to be sick. 

I forgot to post yesterday that Sunday was my five year surgiversary.  I have a lot of work to do yet, but I am not giving up.  I need to get back on track with the sugar free aspect of my diet.

Today, I have an appointment with my gyn doc, for my annual check up.  Then, I have to get the annual mammogram, which is no fun.  I am late in getting these things done this year.  I have so many doctor's appointments, I feel overwhelmed at times.

Well, I walked Utley this morning and turned my ankle in the process.  He pulled me off the walkway onto the grass, and my foot was at the edge of the walkway, and slipped onto the grass, turning my ankle in the process.  I am hoping it does not flare up into anything serious, because I already have enough issues with my feet.

Have to go,

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/28/11 11:04 pm
Good Morning Steffi and PA!

Sorry to hear that you are sick, yet again!! The flooding damage sucks as well!!!

Well, we weathered the hurricane pretty well. No damage to the house or our cars, no flooding in the basement (thanks to TWO sump pumps and a french drain)!! The only down side was that we lost power about 10am yesterday morning and it didn't come back on until 11:30 last night! It was a challenging day to say the least! We actually had to TALK to each other!! Hey, I finally realized I have a family?!?! LOL!! We went over to our friends house in Philly since she had power, charged our phones, watched TV for a bit. We had plans to grill but there was no propane. We were thinking about what to do for dinner and then family drama began! Too long to go into but lets just say it wasn't pretty!

Today is laundry, going to the store for perishables, since I think most of our perishables are probably not safe to eat! I think I am going to send hubby out for a bike ride today....after yesterday he needs some stress relief! I do too, but that will have to wait!!

I am so glad that our power is back and that we are all safe!!
Ida, I am thinking about you!!
Love to all, Beth">">>

IdaMae D.
on 8/29/11 2:47 am - Philadelphia, PA
thank you Beth!!!!


Lisa H.
on 8/28/11 11:31 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Morning all.. sorry you're not feeling well Steffi.  Hope you are back to your normal self by the time school starts on Thursday. 

Today has me working both jobs.  Basically, I will be working during the day, as well as getting ready for work tonight.   I have to be at Dress Barn at 5, so at least I have a little bit of time in between the 2 to get ready and won't feel as rushed.  One of my co-workers sent me a text a few minutes ago asking if I wanted to take tonight off and she would work for me.  Uh, as much as I'd love to not go in, I got the job because I need the money.  Thanks, but no thanks.  

Neil is here sleeping off what could be an ear infection or TMJ.  He is being stubborn about going to the doctor, mostly because he has to renew his health insurance, but also because he thinks he can heal himself.  He has been medicating with Advil with little to no relief.  Today, I gave him Dayquil Sinus to see if relieving the pressure from his sinuses will help with the ear pain.  Apparently DAYquil makes him tired.  Hopefully he'll wake up in much less pain and I can convince him to at least go to an urgent care place to get it checked.  

This week is going to be a tiring one.  I am working both jobs Monday through Thursday so unless something odd comes up, my roll call will be the same through Thursday.  Hope everyone is able to clean up from their hurricane messes.  We did not have any issues, here. 

My tracker


IdaMae D.
on 8/28/11 11:43 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Steffi & PA:

Steffi, hope you feel better soon.

I'm home today, the offices are under water.  Our office complex is down by the airport right off 95, this is the first time it's flooded in something like 10 or more years.  I've been there since 2003 and have not experienced any flooding so this is a nice break for me.  3 day weekend wooo-hooooo....  Next week is another 3 day weekend yeah for that....   If the Delaware keeps cresting higher and higher might not have work tomorrow if 291 is still flooded.

Got a call from my brother at 3am.  He was having problems with dad.  He seemed to want me to come flying in with my cape to make everything better.  I told him you and dad did all this hospice and decision making without me, I have no idea what you both did with the decisions therefore I am unable to do or change things that you have in motion.  At this point there is absolutely nothing I can do nor do I want to.  Right now the man that is my biological father is dying, my dad died decades ago for me, I've processed this through out my many years of therapy, and in speaking with Gene this morning I am in a good place.  Gene and i are going to take the ride down to Pitman, NJ to check in on dad, that much I feel I need to do.  All the craziness that my brother is getting aggrivated dealing with from dad, that is totally on the two of them, I can't put myself into that crap anymore. 

When I get home from Jersey, I have to get some homework completed and submitted, then have class tonight.  Not sure how the roads will be getting there or if I can but so far classes have not been cancelled for this evening.

Hope everyone has a great day....



on 8/29/11 2:38 am - PA
Good Day Pa.,
Steffi take care of yourself, hope you find your Dr. can give you something to give you some kind of relief, and that you feel better soon.
Laura, lay low, rest up because when the time comes for that little one to make it;s appearance, you will need the your strength.  As for the nesting thing, you must be getting close.
Trish, I hope your foot is feeling better, and tell Utley you love him, but to cut you a break, and to go easy on you.  Hope all your packing is almost done.  At the end of the week when I go back up to Pa., I hope to work on completing my packing also.
Beth, I sure hope things calm down for you on the home fromt and you are able to get some peace.
Lisa take care of yourself, be sure to schedule at least 15 minutes a day for just you, I know that's hard, but you really need to do it.
Kathy, I was thinking about the benefit you had scheduled for your brother and was wondering what was going to happen, and although a lot was put into the planning, I am glad you were able to put it off till a better time.  Hope your Mammo and dexa scann turn out good,  I will be anxious to see what your result for your dexa are, mine were not so good, but then that's why we have them done so we can do what need to be done to correct things.
Ida I am glad things were not as bad as they could have been at your house with the bad weather.  You and Gene were in my thoughts and prayers.  As far as the other issues, if you can walk around them all the better, do only what you feel you must about it to be satisfied with yourself, you have more than a full plate, more like a huge platter, take care of yourself.
As for me, today finds me doing all the things that I should have been doing 15 years ago, yes you saw right, this weekend my husband and I will celebrate our birthdays and wedding annv. on the same day.  I will now do all the name changing that I never did then, and that life just forced me to put to the side.  Phone call to change names on a couple investment accounts,etc.
I am staying at so many places, and have so many different address, with the house in Tn., the place in Pa., and the address at my daughters house as I have been living here most of the last two years to take care of the kids, that I got a letter concerning confusion of address from my insurance company who checks your credit report when they renew your policy, so I need to write them a letter giving an explanation.
I am in the process of changing the address on all my mail due to my husbands IRS audit, I want to make sure I get all the paperwork related to this, although we filed together, they are really after some stuff for the business, and I want to make sure it gets taken care of promptly, as my name is going to be involved because of filing together.  What a mess, I get to nag him long distance to make sure he takes care of it, and doesn't let it slide.  They are wanting more info from him, but if he is tardy in supplying it, it will come back to haunt me I'm afraid.
My daughter did apply for a new job as school nurse today.  ( I don't think she will be happy doing it, but it would free me to finally move full time to Tn. and get a life)  So any prayers in that area would be appreciated.  Everyone have a good day, it's back to the phone for me.
Hugs, Ena

"Journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."




IdaMae D.
on 8/29/11 2:50 am - Philadelphia, PA
Thank you for the prayers they are greatly appreciated!


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